108 (Guido Bisagni) was born in Alessandria in 1978. He started painting approaching to traditional graffiti, using several pseudonyms. At the end of the 90s he has evolved both formally and conceptually and he becomes one of the first european post-graffiti artists working with abstract forms, painting large and mysterious figures that invade abandoned spaces. He was the first writer to use numbers instead of letters for his name. His work has appeared on the streets of Milan, Paris, London, Berlin, New York City, San Francisco... It was his firm intention to make visual chaos, warking also with 3D objects, sounds and installations. In 2004 he was invited to Paris for Nusign 2.4 One of the first international exhibitions about street art and in 2005 he took part to the Urban Edge Show in Milan. Finally in 2006 he graduated from the Polytechnic of Milan following design courses. in 2007 he was invited to join the project called Walls inside the Biennale di Venezia. During March 2008 he flew to Los Angeles with Eltono, Dem, Microbo and other artists to represent Europe in the U.S.A. during the Nomadaz exhibition.

Photography StudioAira, Model Lottie Haver, Mua Camilla Iacobitti, Hair ContestaRockHair, Set design LĀU Clothing + StudioAira